By Richie Felix
Article from ezine

To avoid this ordeal in the game of life, I strongly advise my clients to create their own income system which I think is for superior to the salary system. This is not hard to do. Check around in your neighborhood to see what is in high demand, and build a skill and cool business around it. If someone is already doing it, you can come in to re-brand the business with little creativity and season innovation. There are many corporate bodies surviving the recession on the axle of re-branding and creativity. For me, if you can do what big forms and big business does, you can as well prosper like them. Becoming your own Boss, gives you the clarity to run with your set goals and visions. You can actually come to terms with challenges of life, that your ability to beat the odds of life is residing in your activated energy to expand your tool kits in all ramifications of life. For instance, you can come up with your clothes design, you can come up with your own speech presentation signature. You can actual develop your own blue ocean; that is, peculiar paradigm reality. You have what it takes on the inside and not on the academic certificate. Your really curriculum vitae is potentials. In the 21st century economic reality your potentials is your credentials. Whatever sizes you up base on what is written on the paper is simply running a pattern of error that need to be corrected. Your ability to discover yourself, develop your skills and engage them resourcefully put you ahead of the ignorant folks lurking around in the street.
2. Broadcast yourself: In these difficult times, when the American Dream seems more like a nightmare, having the mindset of becoming your own Boss is one thing, and the other is to get in place- a unique system to take both yourself and your products to the market places. It is an anathema to birth a child you cannot nurture to maturity. What exactly I am saying here, is that, every rich person you ever seen in your life have a unique way he broadcast himself and products to attain the pinnacle of financial freedom. This is one thing rich people do all through their life time. Everyday business will require you to blog or have a website unique to your services or products to generate the market "buzz" around your brand. Your ability to manage this end stream of business rendezvous separates you from everyday ordinary person. Do not forget, to keep generating new ideas, keep updating your products brand to fit into the prevailing situation at the moment. This way you stay on top and remain in business to one the wings of financial freedom all through life.
Ritchie Felix
Copyright 2010 by Ritchie Felix
Ritchie Felix is a writer, corporate re-branding expert, personal development, business consultant, a physicist, ICt4D and e-payment solution expert, a highly sought after public speaker, e-commerce consultant, poverty reduction cum eradication specialist consultant, project manager of youth Before 40 for better citizenship. He has created several businesses and products, and helped many people to eke out living from simple ICt4D tools.
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Article from ezine